by Ditsa Keren

Uncover The Secrets Of Your Genetics With Human Design

Uncover The Secrets Of Your Genetics With Human Design

Human Design is a logical system that brings together the principles of I-ching and other ancient traditions with quantum physics, in order to reveal your genetic design. It shows you how to access your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool, and ultimately live as your true self. In this interview, Human Design Analyst and Teacher Julia Krakova discusses the history and science behind the system, and provides practical examples of how you can apply this knowledge in your day to day life.

Let’s start with some background about you. What led you to become a Human Design Analyst?

My passion for Human Design started way before I actually met this system, because I was always into investigating, studying, and understanding things. My path in life has been a fusion of mainstream science culture and esoteric influences. 

I studied economic cybernetics at Belarussian State University, as I wanted to understand the essence of how systems work. In my early 20s, I moved to Israel and went to study art at the Humanities department at Tel Aviv University. I was curious about the beauty of the human soul and its creative capabilities. At that time, I worked as a photographer and visual editor for one of the biggest newspapers in Israel. After almost a decade of doing that, I took a trip to Asia and ended up staying there for several years, exploring the capabilities of the human body through practices like yoga, Ayurveda, meditation, fasting, and plant medicines. Upon my return to Israel, I met the Human Design System.

Although I heard of it before, I was never really interested in receiving a professional analysis (called Reading), because it seemed like just another thing for me. At that point, I was already feeling overwhelmed with all the esoteric knowledge I had acquired, and my goal was just to live a simple life and develop my growing business. 

To make a long story short, somebody gave me a professional Human Design Reading as a birthday present and that was the turning point in my life. It felt as if somebody went inside me and read the basis of my soul. I heard things that I was never able to put into words even to myself, even though I always knew they existed. That struck me deeply. 

My path with the Human Design System started with digging into free online resources. At some point, as an academic person, I realized that the only way to understand this system properly is to go study it in school. 

At this point, I have completed my education in the International Human Design School as a certified Analyst and Guide. I give Readings of Human Design genetic maps in different fields, including child development analysis, family practice, relationship readings, and cycle readings. I also teach courses and organize events worldwide, including a program for the Israeli Ministry of Education.

In simple terms, what is Human Design all about?

Human Design is a new and complete system in itself, but the language of this system is based on ancient sciences and traditions such as Kabbalah, I-ching, Astrology, and Hindu philosophy. That being said, it is not a compilation of those traditions, but an absolutely independent system that uses the terminology of the existing systems to present an up to date version of reality that is relevant for the modern age. 

As I previously mentioned, one of the foundations of this Human Design System is the I-Ching, The Book of Changes was written in China many centuries ago. Among other things, it explores the polarities – the Yin and the Yang, represented by two types of strokes: the full stroke and double stroke. These polarities are brought together into 6 line structures called Hexagrams in all possible combinations, 64 in total, which is the exact number of codons of DNA that we know of today. 

DNA and the I-Ching

Scientists from many fields have been noticing that correlation. Carl Jung’s disciple, Marie-Louise von Franz, first wrote about it in the 1960s. The first book to discuss this correlation, The Genetic Code and the I Ching by Martin Schonberger came out in 1973, followed by DNA and the I Ching: The Tao of Life by Johnson Yan, I Ching (Yi Jing) and Modern Science by M.D. Charles H Chen and Katya Walter’s Tao of Chaos: DNA and the I Ching. Human Design depicts the correlations between the Hexagrams (Gates) and human qualities in profound detail.

Just like our DNA variation is unique, so is the Human Design map. Each Bodygraph is so unique, that no two are the same, even if they might look similar at a first glance. 

The cornerstone of Human Design is understanding that it is not a belief system. You are not here to believe what you receive, you are here to practice and experience it with your own body and psyche. It is absolutely useless if you do not experiment and try it on yourself. 

It begins with getting a Reading of your genetic map, called Bodygraph, with a certified Human Design analyst. Then slowly, you start integrating this knowledge into your day-to-day life. It’s not that you come out of it knowing everything about yourself, because just like chemicals take time to absorb in the body, so does this knowledge. Human Design works on the cellular level; when you align with this knowledge, it truly changes your perspective on yourself and the world around you. 

Many people today sabotage themselves by not accepting their unique nature, and trying to be someone they are not. Whoever modern culture chooses as our role models have absolutely nothing to do with what we truly are, as each of us is highly individual. 

What are the advantages of getting to know your Design?

This may be very similar to the advantage of sending your DNA swab to some company and then receiving a handout with all of your qualities. Human Design analysis takes this whole story to the next level, as it gives you much more detailed information about your anatomy, structure, personal traits, behaviors, and tendencies. 

With Human Design, you don’t only get a very precise formula of your ancestry line or your eating habits. Here, the formula is almost endless, as the Reading can be done on so many levels. 

When you arrive at the Foundation Reading, which is the most basic one, you receive tools to understand your unique decision-making process. It allows you to see and understand how your unique body is here to move in space; how you are to communicate with other people, and what is your correct way of making decisions and trusting yourself.  

It shows which places in your body you can fully trust, and which places you should not trust. For example, there are emotional beings and intuitive beings. If your Bodygraph shows that you are intuitive, you’re here to make spontaneous decisions based on intuition, as your body gives you very specific signals, which, of course, also have a lot of nuances based on the variations of your map. Whereas if you are an emotional being, you are not here to make spontaneous decisions, but to wait for emotional clarity. When you act at the moment, you miss out on important elements. 

This is just one of the endless examples that show how different we all are. But of course, Human Design takes these things even further. It reveals the qualities that you came here to embody. Some of us embody power, some of us embody expression, some of us embody new ways of thinking, some of us are more mental and are here to be outer authorities for others, some of us are more physical, and are here to work until their inner battery is empty.

There are a lot of ways to look at people. The Bodygraph can show you, for example, what is your way of processing and integrating information; whether you’re more of a left-brain or a right-brain; and gives practical solutions for effectively integrating information. You can see what is the type of environment that is correct for you and your body. You can find out what is the correct way for you to consume and digest food, and that includes not only specific food to take in or avoid but also specific ways of how to consume it. 

Human Design shows you what is your main channel of perception, whether it’s taste, touch, smell, and so on. Of course, when we go to genetics, it can show which of the amino acids are more active in your body on a constant fixed base, and what it actually means in terms of psychology.

How does Human Design correlate with DNA analysis? 

Even though Human Design is still considered pseudoscience by Wikipedia and most of the scientific sources due to its innovative nature that still needs institutional validation, it’s easy to find similarities between the Bodygraph and DNA data. Of course, as DNA research continues to evolve, more of these correlations will be uncovered.

One of the main features of Human Design comes from molecular genetics, which has been studied broadly. As I mentioned earlier, the correlation between the structure of hexagrams and the genetic code has been explained in numerous books since the 1960s.

Rave Mandala and bodygraph

In Human Design, each individual has a genetic map that has 2 variations: the Rave Mandala and the Bodygraph. They show all the existing amino acids, represented by numbers called Gates (hexagrams). DNA is a molecule that consists of four nucleotides with a neutral genus basis: Arginine, Cytocin, Thiamin, and Glycine. They couple into pairs, based on the same mathematical code represented by the I-Ching hexagram. We have a solid line representing the Yang, and a double line representing the Ying. It was in the late 1700s when Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz understood and sequenced the most basic computer code, 0 1, based on the sequencing of Yin and Yang. Again, these pairs are the base of all energies that exist in the universe. 

So, taking it into the next step, these four nucleoids can be seen as four genetic types: Generator, Projector, Manifestor, and Reflector. This is the basic genetic difference between humans:

  • Generators have an open energy field. They are here to know themselves through work. Doing what they respond to brings them satisfaction. When they do what they do not respond to, they get frustrated. They love to be asked rather than to be told what to do, as that, again, leads them to frustration. Generators are the majority of the population. 
  • Projectors have a focused energy field, so they function best in one-on-one situations. They are here to know themselves through guiding others, that’s how they experience success. When they try to initiate, they meet resistance and experience bitterness. 
  • Manifestors have a very dense energy field, and they are here to initiate and to be in peace. When they are asked too many questions, they get angry. Their ability to inform allows them to impact others. 
  • Reflectors, just like their name, have a reflective energy field and they are here to be surprised by life and to reflect it to others. When there is not much surprise in their life, they get disappointed. They are here to learn to wait before making important decisions.  

Human design core types

Of course, this is a very basic description, but as you go deeper and start observing people around you with this genetic knowledge, you start feeling and experiencing this information in your body and not just mentally. The perception of yourself and others becomes refined, and you no longer have to guess who you are, you simply know it! 

The Human Design school has a special program, which includes the Primary Health System (PHS) and Rave Psychology, and explores the psychological aspects of how DNA works. 

When I got the results from my DNA test, I started correlating them with what I already knew about my Design and to my surprise, a lot of it was completely synchronized. 

Can you give more examples of how these variations impact one’s personality?

Sure. The 41st Gate is associated with Methionine, which is the start codon in DNA that stands in itself. In a Bodygraph, this 41st hexagram is found in the Root Center, the energy center that creates physical pressure and drives us to put things in motion. Before you start something, there is always this drive, a fantasy, imagination, and vision. That’s what the 41st codon stands for in the Human Design System. It is about life itself and the experiences it brings. It will function differently in your genetics depending on whether the gate or center is open (uncolored) or defined (colored). 

Methionine in human design

Another example is the amino acid Glycine, which is represented by 4 Gates: 40, 6, 47, and 64. Glycine is associated with our digestive system, nervous system, and our mental state. 

When we talk about the 40th gate located in the Heart Center, we talk about aloneness, and the love of work versus the love for not working. It’s about wanting to exchange work for appreciation or material value. At its lower aspects, the 40th Gate is about denial of support, values or relationships. 

Gate 6 is an emotional motor located in the Solar Plexus Center, that creates waves of emotional intimacy. It can be either open or closed. In the lowest aspects, it’s about denial of opening to intimacy with others. 

Gates 47 and 64 form a Channel of Abstraction together, which connects between the Head Center and the Ajna Center. It has a lot to do with mental clarity about the past. For example, a dilemma about who we have to be in a relationship with always starts with making sense of the past, as classic psychoanalysts know very well.

Glycine in human design


Bringing these aspects together from the perspective of Human Design teaches us that our bonds are always rooted in confusion. No two beings share the same memory. So when you meet another person, there is always confusion in the beginning. Should I enter a relationship with them? Should I engage with them? Do I get to be alone when I need to? Am I open or closed for an intimate relationship?

We can understand, thanks to Glycine, that there is no such thing as an existential relationship, as we are always conditioned by our past experiences. That’s ok, as it’s how nature works. The purpose behind it is to keep the genetic continuity and evolution going, to its maximum potential.

Of course, this example contains only basic elements, like Centers and Gates, that have to be explained in greater detail in order to make more sense of it. If this is insightful for you and you want to learn more to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, I welcome you to contact me. 

How do you envision the future of Human Design?

As of today, the Human Design System is mostly used for individuals to know their genetic code, and therefore to know themselves. In the future, we are going to have a very different layout and this system will be used for the genetic engineering of other human beings.

By planning the time, date, and place of birth, you can predict what kind of being will be born. So based upon that knowledge, we can create a being with particular qualities in its genetic code that will serve one purpose or another.

Human Design also brings an interesting perspective on our evolution as a species. Human beings, as they are today, represent a transitional form. Our bodies are not the same as they were two, three, or 400 years ago, both anatomically and energetically. At this very moment, while you are reading these lines, the human species is going through a mutation. Interestingly enough, there is a date. According to the Human Design forecast, 2027 is when the biggest mutation process will occur.

So, it’s no coincidence that exactly seven years before that date, at the beginning of 2020, the virus hit the planet. From the perspective of Human Design, this is the way to prepare us for our new mutation as a species. 

After one year of living with the new virus, we receive information that it enters the human DNA. It changes the human code, it stays in the sperm and influences our reproductive capabilities. So we already have some validation that the Human Design forecast, which has been around for over 30 years, is finally happening. What seemed like a fairy tale when we were studying this information years ago, is now our reality. 


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About Author
Ditsa Keren
Ditsa Keren

Ditsa Keren is a technology blogger and entrepreneur with a strong passion for biology, ecology and the environment. In recent years, Ditsa has been specializing in technical and scientific writing, covering topics like biotechnology, algae cultivation, nutrition, and women's health.

Ditsa Keren is a technology blogger and entrepreneur with a strong passion for biology, ecology and the environment. In recent years, Ditsa has been specializing in technical and scientific writing, covering topics like biotechnology, algae cultivation, nutrition, and women's health.